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Logo Saviory Bricks

LEGO (60425) Alligator / Crocodile with 20 Teeth with Yellow Eyes without White Glints Pattern with Red Technic, Pin 1/2

Úvod LEGO® ZVÍŘATALEGO (60425) Alligator / Crocodile with 20 Teeth with Yellow Eyes without White Glints Pattern with Red Technic, Pin 1/2

LEGO (60425) Alligator / Crocodile with 20 Teeth with Yellow Eyes without White Glints Pattern with Red Technic, Pin 1/2

Rok: 2024

Set: 60425

Výrobce: LEGO®
Kód: 18904c06pb01
Dostupnost: Skladem
Počet ks: 4 ks
120,- Kč (4,80 €)
Do košíku

LEGO (60425) Alligator / Crocodile with 20 Teeth with Yellow Eyes without White Glints Pattern with Red Technic, Pin 1/2

Figurka Aligátror ve verzi z roku 2024.

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